There are lots of ways to earn money on the internet. One of the best way to earn money is to have a PTC/Pay To Click Account:
What is PTC?
- is an online business model that draws online traffic from people aiming to earn money from home. Paid-To-Click, or simply PTC websites, act as middlemen between advertisers and consumers; the advertiser pays for displaying ads on the PTC website, and a part of this payment goes to the viewer when he views the advertisement.
These are the sites that I recommend:
ClixSense Banner:
NeoBux Banner:
Probux Banner:
Earn $10 up/daily of those website.
The requirements that you need to have are:
- PC / Laptop
- Internet Connection
- Account for those PTC Website that I recommend
- Paypal Account
- Yourself
You can maximize your earnings if you register those links. Happy earnings.
This is the payment proof:
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